Follow the YelLAW Brick Road.
I know, that was lame.
Every year I look forward to the Proctor Heyman holiday e-card. A small litigation powerhouse, the firm has the unique ability to create memorable, occasionally over-the-top holiday cards every year. Each animated card leverages an iconic theme like Kiss, Village People, Sgt Pepper, and Thriller. (See all the cards here.)
The firm has built a cult following for their unique cards.
The lawyers seem to enjoy the dress up (I can’t imagine what Halloween is like at Proctor Heyman).
They clearly don’t take themselves too seriously:
Not seriously at all, actually:

This year’s Wizard of Oz theme cleverly acknowledges the retirement of founding partner Vernon Proctor, as The Wizard, floating off on his uncontrollable balloon. See the whole animation here.
As always, great job, guys.