Here’s how to easily fix one of the worst networking mistakes. Take 200 business cards out of your desk drawer, bring them home, and scatter them around your life. Distribute them everywhere you may later find you need them. More detail…
Here’s how to easily fix one of the worst networking mistakes. Take 200 business cards out of your desk drawer, bring them home, and scatter them around your life. Distribute them everywhere you may later find you need them. More detail…
Howard Law Group featured in Legal Intelligencer We’re pretty proud of the Howard Law Group website. It’s simple, bold, and well branded, nicely capturing the sizable strength and skill of Bill and Jean Howard’s national litigation practice. It’s also nice when…
The “Smiling Lawyers” Website Home Page Trap Smiling lawyers – the latest boring website cliché. For 25 years, I’ve been railing against the obvious, literal visual “Law” clichés — the gavels, globes, columns, skylines, buildings, handshakes, blurry lawyers running, silhouettes…
The “Smiling Lawyers” Website Home Page Trap Smiling lawyers – the latest boring website cliché. For 25 years, I’ve been railing against the obvious, literal visual “Law” clichés — the gavels, globes, columns, skylines, buildings, handshakes, blurry lawyers running, silhouettes…
Watch the video! I’m delighted to (finally) have a demo video (click here) showcasing my law firm keynote, firm retreat, and marketing-training presentations. I’ve been filming most of my speeches lately because many in-house marketers, administrators, professional-development experts, and other conference…
Major Update to our Most-Popular Marketing Checklist We’re putting the final touches on a dramatically expanded version of our popular “Associate Marketing Checklist by Year of Practice.” It includes narrative explanations, links to instructional videos, and new material covering social media…
It’s hard to say “No, thanks” when being complimented. [At the bottom is a template memo you may circulate within your firm to explain to your lawyers why you will not be buying an ad in a vanity directory.] I’ve…
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut (“Little Red Riding Hood”) “Lorem ipsum dolor” is so mundane. Marketers know that when showing clients a new advertisement, website, brochure, newsletter, or other layout, you “greek” in some gibberish that looks like words, but it really isn’t. It helps keep…
Best Marketing Partner Comment Ever. #2 We were working on re-branding a firm, soup to nuts, including a new logo, stationery, print advertising campaign, website, direct mail, etc. but the lawyers were having some difficulty agreeing on the final color. The Marketing…
Most lawyers recognize the importance of Diversity. Strict homogeneity can lead to an equally homogenous approach or outlook. When applied to client representations, creativity can be stifled. Innovative solutions can be overlooked. But we also know that in real life, Diversity can…