MSI Global, 2012 International Conference Ross Fishman will be speaking at the MSI Global 2012 International Conference, to be held at the Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica, on October 20-23, 2012. ———————— See also Law Firm Speakers and Retreats,…
MSI Global, 2012 International Conference Ross Fishman will be speaking at the MSI Global 2012 International Conference, to be held at the Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica, on October 20-23, 2012. ———————— See also Law Firm Speakers and Retreats,…
Is your website wearing bell bottoms? — “Useful Links.” If your website has a “Links” page that connects visitors to, e.g.: FindLaw, the White House, AOL, Yahoo!, or The Wall Street Journal… …then fire your web developer and get a new…
Does your law firm “Mean Business tm”? If so … you probably don’t need the “TM.” “We Mean Business” is another of those lazy, over-committeed, crowd-sourced, lowest-common-denominator compromises that law and other professional-services firms make when selecting a tag line. Does…
Integrated Marketing in a Rebounding Economy Ross Fishman will be presenting Integrated Marketing in a Rebounding Economy to the ALA and LMA at the Cleveland Bar Association in Cleveland, Ohio on March 27, 2012.
Would you eat at a Mediocre Deli? Or hire Average Law Firm, LLC? To read their website, every law firm is in the top 10%… of every single one of the 57 alphabetical practice areas they detail. That’s fine, a…
STAND OUT – It’s not about the fanciest photos There’s a disturbing trend in law marketing where the advertising/design/branding agency builds a highly visible campaign around a series of eye-catching photos. They can be crazy animals, or people acting…
Possibly the best lawyers we’ve ever worked for. We absolutely love these guys. Imagine you’re at home when you get an official-looking letter from the government telling you that your home’s tap water just might be poisonous. The water you’ve…
Litigation Counsel America Ross Fishman will be speaking at the Litigation Counsel of America at The Breakers in Palm Beach on October 24-26, 2012. ———————— See also Law Firm Speakers and Retreats, a speakers bureau designed for lawyers and the…
How to PROVE your website conveys the right message. Interesting RESULTS. [Here’s the third installment in the Vedder Price London Launch series. Parts ONE and TWO here.] After the web-based market-research participants have had their eyeballs tracked all over the…
ALA Region 3 Conference Ross Fishman will be speaking on digital and online marketing at the ALA Region 3 Conference, at The Depot Renaissance in Minneapolis, September 13-15, 2012. ——————————– Law Firm Speakers and Retreats is a Speakers Bureau designed for the…