Building signage – should we put our name on our building? I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but as a dedicated branding guy, I pay an unhealthy amount of attention to this particular issue and have analyzed this issue…
Building signage – should we put our name on our building? I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but as a dedicated branding guy, I pay an unhealthy amount of attention to this particular issue and have analyzed this issue…
Don’t just market more. Dominate something. I’m going to disagree with the premise that marketing litigation is fundamentally different from any other type of practice (although litigators believe that they’re different). We’ve represented at least 50 litigation boutiques and practices, and…
What does this sign say? Some designers try too hard to be clever. They miss the point–they’re not creating art. Design is a tool to help a company sell something. Many designers get so caught up in being fancy artistes that their…
Shell Oil. Target Stores. Apple Computers. Camel Cigarettes. These successful companies all selected their names carefully, recognizing that a great name makes their marketing easier. You can immediately envision their strong iconic logos. The simple name works in many languages. That’s good…
Let’s look at some intellectual property cases for law firm brands, names, taglines, logos, and phone numbers. Law, accounting, and professional-services firms have learned the dramatic financial benefit of standing apart from the competition in a positive way using corporate…
Litigation specialty: defending the police Steve Borkan from Borkan & Scahill is a serious trial lawyer, often representing insurance companies in large, complex cases. He’s also developed a particular niche specialty defending the City of Chicago and police officers in civil…
50 different firm print ads. A new ad every single day. 175-lawyer Roetzel & Andress needed to upgrade their marketing and business development efforts and brought me in as their part-time Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer (CMBDO) through 2021….
I have mentioned previously my dislike of logos with big initials or unnecessary marks. When we’re redesigning a logo as part of a branding or marketing campaign, we try to emphasize the firm’s colloquial “street” name, i.e. the thing everyone…
Is your marketing THE BEST of today’s 3,000 messages? According to marketing legend Seth Godin* in Fast Company, “This year, the average consumer will see or hear 1 million marketing messages – that’s almost 3,000 per day. No human being…
Six-Word Stories (NPR) Awhile ago, I heard a fascinating NPR piece discussing “Not Quite What I Was Planning,” a book that compiled six-word stories. It’s amazing how much depth and detail you can convey in just those few words. “For…