Possibly the best lawyers we’ve ever worked for. We absolutely love these guys. Imagine you’re at home when you get an official-looking letter from the government telling you that your home’s tap water just might be poisonous. The water you’ve…
Possibly the best lawyers we’ve ever worked for. We absolutely love these guys. Imagine you’re at home when you get an official-looking letter from the government telling you that your home’s tap water just might be poisonous. The water you’ve…
How to PROVE your website conveys the right message. Interesting RESULTS. [Here’s the third installment in the Vedder Price London Launch series. Parts ONE and TWO here.] After the web-based market-research participants have had their eyeballs tracked all over the…
I already complained about the Lame Law Firm Holiday Cards, and vowed not to create another competition for the best law firm holiday/Christmas cards; I’ll leave that to the Above The Lawguys.I promised to show a nice selection, including some…
I think most lawyers have a pretty good sense of humor. But I’ve never been a fan of marketing or advertising campaigns that directly demean your competitors. Even if it’s couched as a “joke.” Pepsi’s marketers thought they compared…
Fostering Good Marketing – Jones Foster. Jones Foster Johnston & Stubbs is a high-quality, old-line West Palm Beach, Florida law firm — 35 great lawyers and a relatively conservative and wealthy target audience. As we discussed previously in our “Name-based…
Lacaz Martins – the Brazil Law Firm Brazil’s Lacaz Martins has 180 lawyers and a competitive market. It wanted to increase its referrals from the United States and had joined Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW), an international law firm network, to expand its reach…
Sky Radio: Middle Schoolers Reading Firm Brochures Q: Sky Radio called, inviting us to participate. “At first I thought it was because we are such great lawyers. “Then I learned it was really just pay-for-play. They’ll basically ask us whatever questions…
“We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Marketers” Ad. Oops. I love flipping through those “Super Duper Leading Best Lawyers” magazine inserts. The sales force already sold the lawyers on the urgent need to buy a $10,000 full-page ad alongside dozens or…
The 20 Best Law Firm Tag Lines. Is your firm “Committed to Mediocrity TM”? Tag lines are hard – a few strategically selected words that encapsulate everything you stand for and want your target audience to know about you. It’s…
The legal profession’s BEST 2010 ad. We won! Just back from the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) annual conference at the Disney Yacht & Beach Club in Orlando, along with over 1,100 attendees, speakers, and vendors. As always, the LMA’s annual Your Honor Awards included hundreds of high-quality…