The Top 25 Law Firm Website Clichés to Avoid. (2016 Update. PART 2.) Part 1 is available here. 11. [The Image:] Scales of justice (Similar scales are also used by drug dealers) [What it means:] “Still just lawyers.” 12. Dart boards…
The Top 25 Law Firm Website Clichés to Avoid. (2016 Update. PART 2.) Part 1 is available here. 11. [The Image:] Scales of justice (Similar scales are also used by drug dealers) [What it means:] “Still just lawyers.” 12. Dart boards…
Can you claim to be a creative firm if your home page shows a skyline? As a group, lawyers are quite literal, often too literal for good marketing. As a result, more than half of law firms simply illustrate their website home…
“City Slickers” and Law Firm Differentiation. In the 1991 comedy City Slickers (“Yesterday They Were Businessmen. Today They’re Cowboys. Tomorrow They’ll Be Walking Funny.”), Curly, played by Jack Palance, a wise and wizened cowboy, offers some old-time western wisdom to…
The “Smiling Lawyers” Website Home Page Trap Smiling lawyers – the latest boring website cliché. For 25 years, I’ve been railing against the obvious, literal visual “Law” clichés — the gavels, globes, columns, skylines, buildings, handshakes, blurry lawyers running, silhouettes…
The “Smiling Lawyers” Website Home Page Trap Smiling lawyers – the latest boring website cliché. For 25 years, I’ve been railing against the obvious, literal visual “Law” clichés — the gavels, globes, columns, skylines, buildings, handshakes, blurry lawyers running, silhouettes…
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut (“Little Red Riding Hood”) “Lorem ipsum dolor” is so mundane. Marketers know that when showing clients a new advertisement, website, brochure, newsletter, or other layout, you “greek” in some gibberish that looks like words, but it really isn’t. It helps keep…
Most lawyers recognize the importance of Diversity. Strict homogeneity can lead to an equally homogenous approach or outlook. When applied to client representations, creativity can be stifled. Innovative solutions can be overlooked. But we also know that in real life, Diversity can…
Is imitation “the sincerest form of flattery?” “There are no new ideas.…” I get that. But I did a double-take after seeing this ad in Wired magazine’s November 2015 issue. We developed this same idea a couple years ago for the…
The Worst Legal Industry Ad Ever? Showing an APPALLING lack of judgment and good taste, here’s what I believe to be an old ad from the UK’s Law Society. It’s aiming to help sell readers on the benefit of using its lawyer directory,…
Holiday Card: “Are You My Lawyer?” We all remember the childhood classic “Are You My Mother?” by P.D. Eastman (1960). Well I received an interesting parody of it, “Are You My Lawyer?” by “E.B. Funny.” It was created as a holiday card…