I LOVE this card. As you might know from my historic blog posts, I’m often very critical of law firm e-cards — there are so many ways firms can get them wrong. They’re too long, too dull, too cliche’d. They’re…
I LOVE this card. As you might know from my historic blog posts, I’m often very critical of law firm e-cards — there are so many ways firms can get them wrong. They’re too long, too dull, too cliche’d. They’re…
What if you wanted to be “The Kimpton Hotels of law firms”? Some years ago I gave a “Branding, Differentiation, and Firm Culture” presentation in Seattle and the law firm put me up at the Monaco Hotel. I love all…
Are You Sending a Generic Unsigned Holiday Card? Here’s the rule: If you won’t sign them, don’t send them. I always get a year-end holiday card from my best friend, a terrific lawyer I’ve known for 40 years. We shared…
[This is an updated repost of a popular pre-holiday rant] Q: Are holiday cards effective? A: I think that they can be considered one more nice way to stay in touch, to send a friendly communication to a large number…
Consider doubling your local post-merger rebranding budget. Then you should probably double it again. In the October 2016 issue of Chicago Lawyer, I wrote a Letter to the Editor that I hope management committees can benefit from, and marketers can…
Awful law firm websites: The “Small-Firm Trifecta.” Nothing says “Small, mediocre law firm” like a website home page full of obvious stock photos and free clip art. And in my opinion, the worst of the worst are those that combine multiple…
“How will prospects know I’m awesome if I don’t tell them?” Hi. It’s Ross. Let me tell you a few things about myself: I’m excellent. I have integrity. I’m responsive. I’m experienced. I’m technically knowledgeable. I’m legally effective. I’m a partner…
Ten Awesome Law Firm Branding/Website Makeovers: Before-and-Afters For most new law firm websites, I think the most interesting question is how big an improvement is it over the previous one(s). Is it just a polished-up version of the previous site?…
The Top 25 Law Firm Website Clichés to Avoid. (2016 Update. PART 2.) Part 1 is available here. 11. [The Image:] Scales of justice (Similar scales are also used by drug dealers) [What it means:] “Still just lawyers.” 12. Dart boards…
The Top 25 Law Firm Website Clichés to Avoid. (2016 Update. PART 2.) Part 1 is available here. 11. [The Image:] Scales of justice (Similar scales are also used by drug dealers) [What it means:] “Still just lawyers.” 12. Dart boards…