What is a client…? One of the best definitions I’ve seen came from the website of Denver law firm Fairfield and Woods, quoting one of its long-time partners: “A client is a friend with a problem.” – Charles J. Beise, 1909-1983….
What is a client…? One of the best definitions I’ve seen came from the website of Denver law firm Fairfield and Woods, quoting one of its long-time partners: “A client is a friend with a problem.” – Charles J. Beise, 1909-1983….
Do Consultants Often “Sell from the Podium?” Tim Corcoran ably summarized the feelings of many consultants and professional speakers with a recent blog post which includes this excerpt: “Major conferences often have a bias for in-house professionals as presenters. “We must be…
Would you hire an CPA firm because it has “a combined 150 years of experience”? And if so, why? Ohhhh, I get it — you are aggregating every single one of your lawyers’ total years of experience into a…
Watch the video! I’m delighted to (finally) have a demo video (click here) showcasing my law firm keynote, firm retreat, and marketing-training presentations. I’ve been filming most of my speeches lately because many in-house marketers, administrators, professional-development experts, and other conference…
Major Update to our Most-Popular Marketing Checklist We’re putting the final touches on a dramatically expanded version of our popular “Associate Marketing Checklist by Year of Practice.” It includes narrative explanations, links to instructional videos, and new material covering social media…
WEBINAR TODAY: Playing the Google Game – Marketing Yourself Online. FEB 4, Noon-12:45 p.m. What happens when someone Googles your name? Take a look to see how well your professional story is being told. Most often, your website bio and…
Start by building your visibility inside the network As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m a big fan of international law and accounting firm networks. I’ve seen first-hand the value global networks and affiliations offer to their members, including generating both in-bound…
Marketing education is critical in today’s economy. Most marketers and marketing committee members routinely attend high-quality marketing programs. It’s so much a part of the job description that it can be hard to remember that most lawyers rarely get any sort…
Marketing and Biz Dev Training for Litigators A marketer asked whether litigators require unique marketing and client-development training. She’d been hearing from the litigators that they felt the nature of a litigation practice is somehow different, that it requires special techniques and training. They…
Rebranding a Top Trial Lawyers Group The Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) is an invitation-only trial lawyer honorary society. It was established to reflect the new face of the American bar. Membership is limited to 3,500 Fellows. The LCA offers its…