Do Consultants Often “Sell from the Podium?” Tim Corcoran ably summarized the feelings of many consultants and professional speakers with a recent blog post which includes this excerpt: “Major conferences often have a bias for in-house professionals as presenters. “We must be…
Would you hire an CPA firm because it has “a combined 150 years of experience”? And if so, why? Ohhhh, I get it — you are aggregating every single one of your lawyers’ total years of experience into a…
Watch the video! I’m delighted to (finally) have a demo video (click here) showcasing my law firm keynote, firm retreat, and marketing-training presentations. I’ve been filming most of my speeches lately because many in-house marketers, administrators, professional-development experts, and other conference…
Major Update to our Most-Popular Marketing Checklist We’re putting the final touches on a dramatically expanded version of our popular “Associate Marketing Checklist by Year of Practice.” It includes narrative explanations, links to instructional videos, and new material covering social media…
WEBINAR TODAY: Playing the Google Game – Marketing Yourself Online. FEB 4, Noon-12:45 p.m. What happens when someone Googles your name? Take a look to see how well your professional story is being told. Most often, your website bio and…
Start by building your visibility inside the network As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m a big fan of international law and accounting firm networks. I’ve seen first-hand the value global networks and affiliations offer to their members, including generating both in-bound…
Marketing education is critical in today’s economy. Most marketers and marketing committee members routinely attend high-quality marketing programs. It’s so much a part of the job description that it can be hard to remember that most lawyers rarely get any sort…
Marketing and Biz Dev Training for Litigators A marketer asked whether litigators require unique marketing and client-development training. She’d been hearing from the litigators that they felt the nature of a litigation practice is somehow different, that it requires special techniques and training. They…
Rebranding a Top Trial Lawyers Group The Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) is an invitation-only trial lawyer honorary society. It was established to reflect the new face of the American bar. Membership is limited to 3,500 Fellows. The LCA offers its…
Should we offer marketing training to our summer associates? Yes. But only under certain restrictions. I’ve been asked to conduct a lot of summer-associate training over the years, but only rarely have I done it exclusively for the summer kids….