Redesign of logo
Rotation of images to convey “Precise, Aggressive, Relentless.”
Random generated attorney will be pulled into the Featured Attorney section.
Galloway Johnson is a 100-lawyer, 11-office New Orleans-based insurance-litigation firm. Outstanding trial lawyers across the Gulf South and beyond, they handle tough claims nationwide from 18-wheeler truck wrecks to class actions involving defective products, as well oil and gas and maritime cases. They’re tough, smart, service-oriented lawyers with great trial skills, and we wanted to focus their marketing message on how they work, not what they do. That is, they’re “Precise, Aggressive, Relentless.”
We selected visuals that convey each of those particular attributes, e.g. a narrow laser beam drilling through metal to reflect “Precise.”
WordPress Website Features
- Integrated marketing campaigns
- Responsive design for Mobile/Tablets
- Fishman Marketing’s Legal Platform
- Advanced searchable attorney database by practice area, name and keyword
- News features and blog integration
- Enhanced attorney profiles and practice areas that dynamically load related news, seminars and speaking engagements
- Print to PDF features
- Rotating home page hero to show multiple messages
- Random featured attorney
- Animated tabbed menus

Another challenging marketing-related issue was their giant initials-style logo, with a large GJTBS, alongside the firm’s five names. Of course, the firm’s colloquial street name was simply the short, simple, memorable “Galloway,” and we were able to persuade them that this was a better option for logo purposes, making the firm’s name much more noticeable and memorable from a much greater distance.