Does it drive you crazy that big-firm lawyers can charge 30-50% more per hour than you? You know you’re just as skilled, but the marketplace doesn’t, so you charge $100 or $250 less for every single hour. Hour after hour….
Does it drive you crazy that big-firm lawyers can charge 30-50% more per hour than you? You know you’re just as skilled, but the marketplace doesn’t, so you charge $100 or $250 less for every single hour. Hour after hour….
A logo is just a marketing tool. It’s one of many marketing tools firms use to convey your message to the marketplace. A logo is the first contact many prospects will have with your firm, for example, on a…
Lawyers love having their names in the law firm’s logo. Hey, who wouldn’t? It’s the gold star, the brass ring, the highest honor law firms bestow, our industry’s Oscar. But it can get ridiculous, as over time more and more…
I collect hundreds of business cards every year. Under non-Covid conditions, I typically speak at dozens of conferences each year, attend a dozen more, and interview hundreds of lawyers in branding and website projects. So I have the occasion to…
Something for marketers and designers to remember: “You’re not an artist. You solve problems.” At Fishman Marketing, we design lots of marketing campaigns and websites. These days, most of the work, even the branding work, starts off as a website…
Building signage – should we put our name on our building? I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but as a dedicated branding guy, I pay an unhealthy amount of attention to this particular issue and have analyzed this issue…
What does this sign say? Some designers try too hard to be clever. They miss the point–they’re not creating art. Design is a tool to help a company sell something. Many designers get so caught up in being fancy artistes that their…
50 different firm print ads. A new ad every single day. 175-lawyer Roetzel & Andress needed to upgrade their marketing and business development efforts and brought me in as their part-time Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer (CMBDO) through 2021….
Let’s look at the data. Where do your eyes go? What’s nice about eye-track testing is that it shows precisely what grabs your viewers’ attention, what they see, in what order, and how long they linger at each point. That’s…
What’s the MOST-important info to add to your marketing? We all notice effective marketing. It commands your attention and makes it impossible to miss. We don’t even notice that we’ve noticed; we just subconsciously read or remember it. As a branding consultant, I…