Don’t get a job at a great firm. Make your good firm great. Where’s the challenge in working at a firm that’s already great? It’s much more satisfying taking something with potential and making it great. Starting with something great…
Don’t get a job at a great firm. Make your good firm great. Where’s the challenge in working at a firm that’s already great? It’s much more satisfying taking something with potential and making it great. Starting with something great…
Why “Close Door” buttons don’t work. Law Firm Client Service. Did you know that in most elevators, the “Close Door” buttons don’t work? Some of them may have worked when originally installed but were disabled over time. Other buttons were created simply…
Would you eat at a Mediocre Deli? Or hire Average Law Firm, LLC? To read their website, every law firm is in the top 10%… of every single one of the 57 alphabetical practice areas they detail. That’s fine, a…
Here’s EXACTLY what people look at on your website. Which website design works better? We’re using some pretty amazing technology to (1) help select the most effective campaign, (2) ensure that viewers focus on our message, and (3) optimize the…
Ho Ho-Hum. Pretend your law firm or accounting didn’t send out this year’s holiday card. Now imagine that you received the IDENTICAL card from… say… your banker. How would you react? For many law firms, you’d probably think, at least…
Timing the high jump.* How many “hits” should a website get? We often get asked “how many hits” or “how many visitors” a law firm’s website should get. Unfortunately, those are the wrong questions. Law firms like to compare their results against industry…
Measuring the ROI of your Marketing — it’s all about the Benjamins. A post to a law firm LinkedIn Group asked “How do you measure ROI of your marketing activities?” Many respected legal marketers responded, discussing the traditional measurements of…
How do you market a law firm in a smaller city, state, or country? It’s easy to find a lawyer in a big city. How can you generate in-bound referrals if you live in an area where the “big-city” lawyers…
The 20 Best Law Firm Tag Lines. Is your firm “Committed to Mediocrity TM”? Tag lines are hard – a few strategically selected words that encapsulate everything you stand for and want your target audience to know about you. It’s…