Need a law firm tag line? Try one of these. Describe your entire firm in just a few words. No generalities that apply to every other firm like “Our Business is Business,” or “When Success Matters.” No three one-word alliterative…
Need a law firm tag line? Try one of these. Describe your entire firm in just a few words. No generalities that apply to every other firm like “Our Business is Business,” or “When Success Matters.” No three one-word alliterative…
Would you eat at a Mediocre Deli? Or hire Average Law Firm, LLC? To read their website, every law firm is in the top 10%… of every single one of the 57 alphabetical practice areas they detail. That’s fine, a…
How do you market a law firm in a smaller city, state, or country? It’s easy to find a lawyer in a big city. How can you generate in-bound referrals if you live in an area where the “big-city” lawyers…
The 20 Best Law Firm Tag Lines. Is your firm “Committed to Mediocrity TM”? Tag lines are hard – a few strategically selected words that encapsulate everything you stand for and want your target audience to know about you. It’s…