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The legal profession’s BEST 2010 ad. We won!

 Just back from the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) annual conference at the Disney Yacht & Beach Club in Orlando, along with over 1,100 attendees, speakers, and vendors.

As always, the LMA’s annual Your Honor Awards included hundreds of high-quality entries.  We were gratified to receive the trophy for the legal profession’s “Best Single Advertisement” for the “Anti-Best Lawyer ad”  we created with Balch & Bingham‘s Nora Chandler.  I blogged about this ad previously (along with the worst legal ad ever).

As we know, there’s a lot of frustration among marketers regarding the many vanity directories which purport to identify the best or most-super lawyers in a variety of categories, in order to sell them costly ads.  These ads inevitably show groups of lawyers in suits, behind a vacuous headline like “Experienced. Efficient. Excellent.”

This ad was designed to light-heartedly tweak the entire industry, along with the dozens of other law firm ads in that same publication that followed the traditional format.  Apparently, the Your Honor Awards judges felt a similar level of frustration…

“What? You’d rather see another picture of a bunch of lawyers in suits?”


The original post describing this advertisement in greater detail is here.